Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 20

At 1pm, we were involved in a webcam conference with the guys in the main SideEffects headquarters over at torronto.

Well... Once again some things are not meant to be discussed. All I can say is they shared new interesting updates and information with us. Evan also shared information on the project he's working on here which is a cg parody of a classic horror movie back in the 70s.

I've edited the current height map and increased the resolution from 2500 x 2500 pixels to 4000 x 4000 pixels.

I'm planning to build my own shader for the terrain since low-poly geometry with hardcore shaders are much more efficient than high-poly detailed geometry with simple shaders.

With that, I've placed the terrain into the previz to match the scale of the previz apache and convoy.

Project Hellfire: Pre-visualization shot 1, terrain added.

More adjustments might need to be made though due to a slight difference in the scale of the actual apache and convoy themselves. Also, there is an issue with the road. In the png height map I've painted out a road however it's curved unlike the straight road in the original previz.

I'll solve it soon, positive.

I've also modeled a low-poly military apc which is part of the convoy. I'm planning to add in more military vehicles like tanks and humvees.

Here are some new notes for animation which I plan to start working on next week:

Total number of frames will be cut from 1500 to about 800 - 900 frames.

1 - 250 frames: Apache scout with slow strafing.

250 - 500 frames: Apache pair swoop down, moving in for the kill.

500 - 575 frames: 1st Apache launches a barrage of hellfire missiles. Bombardment sequence.

575 - 680 frames: 2nd Apache strikes with machine gun turret.

680 - 800 frames: Apache pair fly off.

I'm still thinking about the introduction, how I should introduce both apache to the audience and which camera angles to use.

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