Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 38

A couple of things to do today:

1) Composite my render passes.

2) Set up ambient occlusion pass.

3) Test offset timing of simulation in scene.

4) Ask Ziggy for guidance in machine gun shooting particles.


3:01 pm

I'm currently compositing my passes in nuke.

Still trying to get used to the software, mostly resorting to trial and errors.

Things are going pretty well so far.

I've managed to finally get the passes composited together for each object.

I'm still setting up the ambient occlusion scene for render.

All other objects can be rendered separately with ambient occlusion.

Both apaches however are being as stubborn as hell.

Their ambient occlusion passes refuse to be rendered out for some reason.

So if there's no other solution I'll resort to rendering out the whole scene with all objects together for one ambient occlusion pass.


5:42 pm

I've sent the scene to the renderfarm to render out an object casted shadow layer and an ambient occlusion layer.

In the meantime, I've finally setup my compositing nuke file with all the render passes nicely in place.

Thanks to Zack for guiding me in learning nuke basics.

I've received an email from Steven which consisted of a solution to my simulation offset timing problem.

I'll check out the hip file he did tomorrow. Also, I'll proceed to doing the machine gun particles with a tutorial Ari agreed to provide using his account.

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