Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 46

My simulations are somewhat done batch rendering.

However there are a couple of errors in some frames that I'll need to fix by re-rendering.

Here's a list of stuff I aim to accomplish by Wednesday.

1) Mini explosions for destruction of last 2 tanks. [done : monday]

2) Finalize machine gun particle system, including sprites. (Requesting help from Ziggy)

3) Fix missile trail rendering problem. [done : monday]

4) Re-render all particle simulations. [in progress : monday]

4) Re-render shadow matte pass for whole scene. [in progress : monday]

5) Composite rendered fog and ambient occlusion.

6) Colour correct scene in comp. [in progress : monday]

7) Check and finalize all simulations. [done : monday]

8) Batch render all remaining simulations. [in progress : monday]


4:28 pm

I've put in the last two smaller scale explosions for the convoy victims of the machine gun spray.

As for the composition, I have the temptation to follow Gears of War lighting style closely.


I've just realized why my missile trails were not showing up.

I had to bump up my keylight intensity to 250 so that the particles would finally show themselves.

Things are going according to plan and it better stay that way.

The end of Project Hellfire is near.

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